Well, I've been a slacker on my blog lately. I have intentions of posting and then I don't. So last week I had a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. Then, I went up to my sister's house to stay over in preparation for Black Friday shopping. I used to be one of those people who swore that there was no way that I would go shopping the day after Thanksgiving, and then there was a really good deal on something I wanted. I don't even remember what it was. I found it slightly exciting the first year and then it got to be more and more fun. Something important to note--I go to office and computer stores, not clothes and toy stores. Last year, I bought a thermos, so that we could take hot chocolate with us.
So Thursday evening, CompUSA opened at 9:00 p.m. (I would like to note that I am morally opposed to them opening on Thanksgiving Day, as I don't think anyone should work on Thanksgiving that doesn't have to. I do not consider sales a mandatory working situation; however, if they are open, I will go there.) My Pop wanted a 24 inch monitor, so we got in line about 8:15. By the time we got in the store, the 24 inch monitor was gone; however, savvy shopper that I am, I thought that this might be the case, so I'd previously asked him if he'd take a 22 inch monitor if the 24 was gone, and he said that he would, so we picked up the monitor, along with some power strips, cans of air and other sundry items. We, meaning my brother S.Q. and I. We had left my sister Loo and her husband to go do some secretive Christmas shopping for their son. Loo's hubby was feeling pretty good about the time it took to get the stuff and then he realized how long the line to pay was. Apparently, paying takes longer than picking up the loot. He is new to Black Friday shoppig. As we went along, we started games on all of the computers, so that those behind us could continue playing the games to entertain themselves. We were in the car ready to go home at 11:21. Loo won the guessing contest of when we would finish.
Done with our shopping? No. It wasn't even Black Friday yet. S.Q. and I scoured the ads and tried to determine where to go. We couldn't decide, there was nowhere with anything we really wanted. (Loo and hubby decided to skip out on the morning run). We'd already determined that we wouldn't get up for the 5 a.m. store openings. 6 was the earliest we were willing to go. We woke up about 5:30 or so and headed out the door. We just slept in our clothes to save time. We decided to go to Staples first and arrived there at about 6:02 a.m. No line out the door because they were already open. We went and got what we came for and were out pretty quickly. Next I went to JCPenney to pick up some stuff for Mom, while S.Q. looked for a WII, so that he could resale it on E-bay. No luck for him. Next stop: Sam's for free breakfast. It was very good, but we knew we'd need food for later. On to Shopko for a glider for me and a bunch of baby clothes for all of the new babies in the home ward. I also picked up a few movies and a CD. Next, we went to McDonald's to finish our breakfast and mailed a package at UPS. So, here is the list of most of the stuff I/my family got, just in case you wondered:
A 24 inch monitor
Computer Memory
Surge Protectors
Cans of Air
Printer network thing
Other network thing (S.Q. will have to clarify)
DVD burner
Labeler (I didn't need one, but S.Q. and I thought it would be fun to play with)
Secret items at JCPenney
Battery Recharger
Glider w/ottoman
The Holiday
How to Marry a Millionaire
A U-2 cd
Baby clothes
Other stuff I forgot.
Now, I just need to submit all of the rebates, a very important part of Black Friday shopping.
On Saturday, I went with my Mum, Loo & L.H. (Loo's Hubby) to the light parade in Delta. It was very long, about 15 entries. We watched it at one end of town and then went to the grocery store for food, and it was just starting down there, but we didn't need to see it again, so we did our shopping and came out just as it was finishing up. The first year of the light parade, it was tractors and semi-trucks with lights on them. I was a bit disappointed this year, as there were actually decorated floats.
Well, now that I've bored you all, have a great day!
Goodbye 2024
2 months ago
It sounds as if you just had a loverly time shopping on Black Friday eve and Black Friday. I have to admit that you can get quite entertaining when boredom can set in. Good job starting the games.
yea another blog. keep going. Love to read it and listen to fun music. thanks for playing this past weekend. had lots of fun as always.
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