The other day, I needed to go to the post office, but didn't want to get dressed before going, as that would require showering and getting presentable. No problem, I just went in my pajamas. I know it seems ironic that I went from worrying about being presentable to going in the P.J.'s, but some things in life just don't make sense (like the way my brain works).Don't worry. I don't wear seductive little nightgowns, like some unknown sister of mine who goes by the name of Loo. That particular morning I was wearing what I refer to as my "clown pajamas". These are basically a bright pink jogging suit, with pants that are too big and thus make me look even fatter than I am. I did brush my hair and put some gum in my mouth before going to get the mail--even I have standards!
I arrived at the post office and of course there were people there this time. (the town only has 130 people. Often there is no one but the post mistress at the post office.)No worries, they didn't look at me funny--they are probably used to me being in my pajamas at the post office. I recently made a comment to someone in a neighboring town about going to the post office in my pajamas and she replied, "Everyone does that". Apparently it is socially acceptable in small towns to go to the post office in pajamas. I have to admit that getting the mail is frequently the highlight of my family's day. Yes, we have boring lives, but at least we are easily entertained. You know, there are definitely advantages to this small town thing and going to the P.O. in your P.J.'s is one of them.
Next time: The joys of silage.
Goodbye 2024
2 months ago
I'm very excited for the joys of silage.
I love your bravery to go to the PO in your pajamas. I think we are powerful women, you and I. Here I sit in the public library with a baseball cap, running shorts, basketball shoes and a t-shirt. I figure I don't meet any men when I am looking nice, what is going to make it any different when I am not looking so nice! Go us!
Ahhh, gotta love small towns. Here, going to the post office is the social event of the day.
Oh the beautiful of small-town life. I really miss it. Where we live now is as "country" as my husband is willing to go. He actually thinks we live in the country. I took him home to Colorado and showed him what "country" was all about.
Ha! I found you!
Gotta love pj days. I think I feel one coming on ....
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