Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More of the Creating Streak.

Look! Two New Posts in One Day

Warning: This Blog Post contains photos of projects that have been made for nieces & nephews. All of these items are currently en route. If you want to be surprised by them, don't read any further until after you see them in person :)

So, with two new nieces, I had to get busy on my projects. Mom and I decided to split the work and each do one blanket. I don't think we would have worked together well. Both quilts turned out very cute, I think. I only have a pic of one of them. The other is still getting it's binding put on.
Fabulous Job, Mom!

I've recently been inspired to take a foray into the world of applique, so that meant I was going to make applique T-Shirts for the nephews. I started with balls, as seen below; however, I accidentally cut a little hole in one of them.

Loo, you'll need to put a sticker over that for L. They didn't turn out half-bad, so I decided to expand my repertoire into a train for J and a fire engine for L. What do you think?

I also decided to make ruffle-butt onesies, as demonstrated here. What, you ask, are ruffle-butt onesies? They are onesies with ruffles on the butt of course! At what other age can you wear ruffles on your butt and actually look cute. The left over ribbons from the onesies inspired me to make matching flower headbands.

In addition, I'd decided to make NooCoo a dress, but then I messed it up, I unpicked the mess up and then I lost it--It was not very big, o.k. I'm sure I'll find it someday. Thus, I had to make her a new dress, which also featured organza ribbon flowers. I was quite proud of it in the end. I'm afraid it will drown NooCoo because even though the T-Shirt top is her size, it seems to be quite wide. Also, the skirt may be a bit short, but I put a big hem in it and Gran can let that down if she needs to when she visits :)

So, now you know all of the many sewing projects that I've been working on. I've also made another baby quilt, as has Mom.

I'm headed off to the great state of Montana to visit sister Da. We will also be visiting other places that are yet to be determined. If you are lucky, someday I'll blog about the trip, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

What have all of you been up to for the summer?

By the Numbers

2--Nieces I got with 3 hours and 5 minutes of each other
127-- Water Sheets I entered
105--Minutes it took me to enter above Water Sheets
4--Approximate times my Mom called me at work today
13--Number of other phone calls at work today
1--packages sent to the G-House crew in Oregon
1.5--Days until I leave to see Da in Montana
40--approximate number of ants I have killed on my desk with my Pointer Finger!