I have changed my blog background special for you. The pink is a close-up of actual cotton candy bought in Delta for 25 cents. The "Jelly Beans" are actually Spring M&Ms that I photographed. Included below are pictures to help you feel like you were here!
This morning as I was walking outside, I noticed that the peahens had pooped on Ma & Pa's porch and sidewalk. I also noticed that each of these poop spots were in the shape of apostrophes. I was going to take a picture to share, but Pa cleaned it up before I got my camera out. So, that brings up the questions, "Do Peacocks Poop in Apostrophes or Commas?" I'm voting for apostrophes because because it makes for better alliteration.
On to the NCAA championship game. UNC won, which I was not hoping for as I have very distinct prejudices against all North Carolina teams. This always hurts me in the brackets as I will almost always have them lose before the championship game. I would like to remind Loo and husband that they should not become fans of any NC team, even though they will be living in NC. I would like to remind her of a player that she referred to as a "cocky snot" that played for Duke, another NC team. I would like to amend my statement, allowing Loo to become a fan of small NC teams that are not well-known. In other words, underdogs that will never make it to the NCAA tourney.
I have created a poll so that you can vote on your reality shows. Why did I create this poll, you ask. I was bored, that's why. So you better all participate!
Nowhere, that's where. I've just been slacking because I haven't done anything exciting. Work has finally slowed down a bit. I'm actually several days ahead on hours, which is amazing for me. Ma was kind enough to go to the St. George water conference with me. Monday night, our delegation was taken out to eat by the engineers. We went to a place where they brought your steak out on a hot stone. It was up to you to decide when it was done according to your standards. It was pretty good and kind of fun. I guess this way you can't send your steak back because it isn't cooked right.
I've spent the weekend watching LDS General Conference, which was good. My pet peeve about watching it here in Utah is all of the commercials in between sessions advertising the latest Mormon books. There is always syrupy sweet music in the background that drives me insane. Mom and I made a deal today. She could watch the programs, but I got to mute the commercials.
I got a new laptop, so I'd stop monopolizing Mom's all the time. Yea for me! I have been enjoying it thus far. An important feature for me is the number pad. Also, I had to turn off the fancy mouse settings, because I was always zooming in when I tried to type.
I've been staying at Ma and Pa's house since visiting Oregon. Why? Because I'm lazy. I went to move my stuff back last week, but the house smelled like diesel (which is what heats the house), and I couldn't air the house out because the wind has been constantly blowing and I did not want everything coated with a thick layer of dust.
An explanation of the above photos: 1. Ma's birthday & Mother's Day present, not that many of you asked what we were giving her or anything. Non-family members should not feel guilty. 2. Several of our cars parked in a row in Delta. What's wrong with this picture? 3. The inside of the "Eggs in a frame" that I made yesterday. Front and back. I wanted to make sure there was good presentation for the food, so I presented the non-black side on top. A nice surprise for the consumers of the food. 4. My new laptop. 5. A photo taken of me on the webcam of my computer, in honor of Alice and her many similar photos.
So, life continues on. I need to get out and visit friends in Provo one of these days. I got out my farm quilt to work on yesterday and was disappointed to learn that I had not yet cut out all of the pieces. That's what happens when it has been 5 months since you worked on a project. After that, I couldn't find the table, so I played a lot of Letter Linker. Maybe next week I'll try to work on the quilt again. Yes, I know that you are all jealous of the life that I lead. Perhaps I'll try to update the blog more often, but I make no guarantees.
Note to Coo: Heresy has occurred. The Easter egg hunt in Lynndyl begins 9:30 a.m. this year.
Note to Family Members: Remember to get your hot dogs and cotton candy this weekend for the Easter tradition. I'm not sure what happens if you don't eat hot dogs the day before Easter.