J and his "build your own" light saber. He refused to have his picture taken without the light saber across his eyes. I also heard he light-sabered baby sister E and had a bit of a time out. J's favorite rides were the "shoot the bad guys" ride (Buzz Lightyear) and the up-and-down go fast ride (Gadget's go-coaster).
A happy E. She was really good - and is a pro at rolling over. Unfortunately E didn't get bribed. I found there really doesn't seem to be anything souvenir and baby friendly at D land. E didn't tell me what her favorite rides were, but she seemed to enjoy most of them, but found It's a Small World a little long for her attention span.
If you can't tell, a fun time was had by all.
P.S. J & A, we left all the ghosts, pirates, & Bug's Life at D-Land. Hopefully, you'll forget these life scarring events, but I don't have much hope. I'm still recovering from the E.T. & Santa Clause incidents when I was 2 or 3.
P.P.S. Maggie the dog's heritage--50% Australian Shepherd, 25% Border Collie, some terrier, a bit of collie, and smidge of Bull Mastiff and Argentine Dogo. Yup, the test confirmed that she truly is a mutt