J and his "build your own" light saber. He refused to have his picture taken without the light saber across his eyes. I also heard he light-sabered baby sister E and had a bit of a time out. J's favorite rides were the "shoot the bad guys" ride (Buzz Lightyear) and the up-and-down go fast ride (Gadget's go-coaster).
A happy E. She was really good - and is a pro at rolling over. Unfortunately E didn't get bribed. I found there really doesn't seem to be anything souvenir and baby friendly at D land. E didn't tell me what her favorite rides were, but she seemed to enjoy most of them, but found It's a Small World a little long for her attention span.
If you can't tell, a fun time was had by all.
P.S. J & A, we left all the ghosts, pirates, & Bug's Life at D-Land. Hopefully, you'll forget these life scarring events, but I don't have much hope. I'm still recovering from the E.T. & Santa Clause incidents when I was 2 or 3.
P.P.S. Maggie the dog's heritage--50% Australian Shepherd, 25% Border Collie, some terrier, a bit of collie, and smidge of Bull Mastiff and Argentine Dogo. Yup, the test confirmed that she truly is a mutt
I can't believe there are 0 comments. The pictures alone are fantastic and so is the commentary. there is proof that this is your blog because you are in none of the pictures. We need to find something with you in. If anyone else took pictures. Thanks for putting this up.
Your nieces and nephew are so cute! I'm jealous you got to go to Disneyland!! I still have never been. Fun to hear about your adventures! :)
no, i can not guess who the corresponding disney characters are, please enlighten us. thanks for the post.
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